The Young Professionals Committee (“YPC”) of Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC is a diverse group of dedicated individuals who volunteer their time, talents, and energy to generate awareness of and to support BBBS of NYC’s many mentoring and educational programs. Throughout the year, the YPC has a powerful financial impact raising over $150,000 each year through the numerous fundraising events the YPC plans, organizes, and executes in a fun and collaborative environment. The YPC also gets involved in various volunteering, recruitment, and advocacy efforts on behalf of BBBS of NYC. Being a Big is not a requirement for joining the YPC.


YPC LinkedIn    YPC Instagram    Google Calendar for BBBSNYC YPC


President: Ben Lumsden
Vice President: Rachel Trenchard
Spring Bash Logistics Chair: Tara Rudomanski
Spring Bash Partnerships Chair: Stacy Bubes
Spring Bash Sponsorships Chair: Sierra Stone
Advocacy & Recruitment Chair: Kelly Byun
Silent Auction Chair: Morgan Spindler
Events Chair: Laura Munn
Gridiron Chair: John Lodge
Marketing Chair: Macy Gilliam
Social Chair: Susie Hamman